Danderyd hospital, mammography

Danderyd University Hospital, Stockholm

Increased efficiency at Danderyd Mammography Unit

Danderyd University Hospital is a specialist hospital, including accident and emergency (A&E), and serves a catchment area of around 440,000 inhabitants in northern Stockholm, Sweden. The Mammography Unit at Danderyd Hospital, which uses Sectra Breast Imaging PACS and Sectra RIS, offers mammography screening to approximately 40,000 women every year. The participation rate is 75%. The Sectra RIS Self Check-In Terminal has been installed in the Mammography Unit reception area since November 2011.

The most valuable factor is that we now have more time for taking care of the women who come here. We have time to answer their questions and help those who need more attention. Most examinations are routine, but the personal touch is important.

Margareta Ståhl, Head Nurse at the Mammography Unit, Danderyd Hospital

“Thanks to Sectra Self Check-In Terminal, waiting times in our reception area have decreased and the screening workflow has become more efficient,” says Margareta Ståhl, Head Nurse at the unit. “We are well equipped to meet increased activity. Since January 2012, all breast-screening examinations in Stockholm County have been free of charge, which hopefully will lead to more women taking advantage of the screening program.”

When women arrive at the reception of the Mammography Unit at Danderyd Hospital, they register themselves in the self check-in terminal, which is connected to Sectra RIS. Their arrival is noted in the terminal and the women are referred to an examination room. The terminal can also be used to provide other practical information, and functionality for secure credit card payments can be added.

“Sectra’s self check-in terminal has worked really well,” says Lourdes Navarro Urra, Head of the Mammography Unit at Danderyd Hospital. “The installation was fast and seamless, and we could incorporate it into our workflow immediately. We screen about 700 women every week and do not want any delays. The Self Check-in terminal has helped us optimize the flow,” says Lourdes.

The reception area of the Mammography Unit at Danderyd Hospital is staffed by nurses. Now that women can register themselves in the self check-in terminal, time and resources are freed up for screening and taking care of the woman who have come for examination.

“The most valuable factor is that we now have more time for taking care of the women who come here,” says Margareta Ståhl. “We have time to answer their questions and help those who need more attention. Most examinations are routine, but the personal touch is important.”

Since December 1, 2011, Danderyd has also offered women the possibility to rebook their examinations online without needing to call the unit.

“By integrating the web portal with Sectra RIS, we have further increased our service. The nurses who used to answer phone calls now have more time for other tasks, such as answering patients’ questions by email,” says Lourdes.

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