Search result for "digital pathology"

The path to digital pathology: learning from Hospital for Special Surgery’s journey
Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City has pioneered a lot of innovation. This time it’s digital pathology. They’re all in with research and consultation and dawning with primary diagnostic...
Case | Digital pathology
Digital pathology pilot predicts prosperity
When it comes to digital medicine, digital pathology is very late to the game. But its time is coming. The benefits could be many: Bolstering the capabilities, efficiency and reach of individual patho...
Case | Digital pathology
Guidance on how to create a business case for digital pathology
A business case is often required to justify investments in new technology and this is indeed proving true with digital pathology. This paper and the attached calculator aim to help build a business c...
White papers | Digital pathology
The path to digital pathology: IT-enabling image and report access across the enterprise
A vision starts with a need, quickly followed by a question—how can we accomplish it? At Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York, the vision to initiate digital pathology coupled with fully i...
Case | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
100+ digital pathology implementations: 10 lessons learned, 1 essential conclusion
As in many change projects, the goal of implementing a digital pathology workflow is to increase efficiency and/or improve quality. Simply digitizing pathology slides does not accomplish either of the...
White papers | Digital pathology
Introduction to the DICOM standard for digital pathology and its importance for workflow efficiency
Digital pathology is proving to provide large benefits for healthcare providers, but growing adoption is now presenting these early adopters with new challenges. The ability of slide scanners to commu...
White papers | Digital pathology
Driving the transition to digital pathology
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP) offers a comprehensive range of External Quality Assurance (EQA) services to pathology laboratories around the wor...
Case | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Looking for an easier way to build business case for digital pathology? Focus on sharing
Although most pathology departments have not yet made the transition to digital, many are actively evaluating the business case. Why?
Articles | Digital pathology
Developing the real business case for digital pathology
Former Northern Cancer Alliance Pathology programme manager, and now cancer patient, David Bottoms, explains how nine trusts in the North East of England and North Cumbria managed to bring together fi...
Articles | Digital pathology
Dutch university hospital takes the next step in digital pathology
At the beginning of 2016, University Hospital Utrecht (UMCU) became the first hospital in the Netherlands to digitize its entire pathology workflow. What has happened since? And how are they utilizing...
Case | Digital pathology
How to build a business case to justify the investment in digital pathology
Many pathology departments stand on the threshold of adopting digital pathology. The creation of an appealing business case for digital pathology is necessary to justify the acquisition of the new har...
White papers | Digital pathology
Digital pathology transforms collaboration among pathologists in Greater Manchester
NHS laboratories across Greater Manchester have begun to go-live with technology that will transform how pathologists across the region collaborate — helping to improve timely diagnosis of cancers a...
Case | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
Digital pathology enables Dutch pathologists to work from home
Following a well-conceived preparation and implementation phase, the pathology department of the Dutch hospital Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) was in the midst of the testing and accep...
Case | Digital pathology
Adoption of digital pathology, Ford Model T, and electric toothbrushes
Many pathology labs are currently switching from glass-based reviews using a microscope, to a computer-based workflow for reviewing digital images. This transition is particularly strong in the Scandi...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
Digital pathology—a disruptive innovation on the tipping point of adoption
In 1997, Clayton Christensen published his master piece, The Innovator’s Dilemma, describing how successful companies focus too much on customers’ current needs, and fail to adopt new technology t...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
Digital pathology—enabling pathologists to keep working efficiently during the COVID-19 pandemic
The use of digital pathology is steadily increasing and has helped the early adopters within the field of pathology globally to keep a safe social distance during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. We...
Case | Digital pathology
Managing the cost of storage in digital pathology imaging
Digital pathology is being adopted at a rapid rate, and within a few years, the majority of European hospitals will be able to exclusively use digital workflows for anatomic pathology. However, such a...
White papers | Digital pathology
Greater Manchester advances digital pathology with Sectra
NHS laboratories across Greater Manchester have begun to go-live with technology that will transform how pathologists across the region collaborate – helping to improve timely diagnosis of cancers a...
Page | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
West Midlands to digitally transform cancer diagnosis across 17 trusts following digital pathology go-live
NHS patients throughout the West Midlands are to benefit from a digital pathology programme, designed to help reduce cancer backlogs, transform services, and improve the speed and accuracy of cancer d...
Case | Digital pathology
Digital pathology—an important piece of the puzzle enabling integrated diagnostics
The diagnosis of cancer is becoming more complex. The menu of tests and procedures has exploded as new technologies have evolved and clinicians are now demanding more from radiologists and pathologist...
Articles | Digital pathology
A DICOM breakthrough in digital pathology
At least seven scanner brands can now deliver pathology images in DICOM. Three of them already have DICOM in production at clinical labs together with Sectra Digital Pathology Solution, and more are t...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Product | Digital pathology
Northern Care Alliance deploys digital pathology with Sectra
Greater Manchester has taken the next steps in its digitisation of pathology services, with the go-live of Sectra’s digital pathology solution at laboratories in Oldham and Salford.
Page | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Has the cloud industry solved a big problem for digital pathology?
Healthcare providers almost everywhere are now progressing their plans for the biggest transformational change that the centuries-old discipline has ever seen. Such progress is exciting and important...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
Digital pathology brings only advantages at Gävle Hospital
More efficient multidisciplinary team meetings, a greater opportunity to consult specialists at other hospitals, and a promising potential to allocate the workload during peaks. These are some of the...
Case | Digital pathology
Advice from one of the world’s largest digital pathology implementations
Region Skåne has one of the largest digital pathology implementations in the world. The region produces over 800,000 histopathology glass slides per year, and the digitization came as a result of the...
Case | Digital pathology
15 benefits with digital pathology—UMCU share their experiences
University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) is the first hospital in the Netherlands—and one of the first hospitals in the world—that has completely switched to digital pathology. Not only do they ha...
Articles | Digital pathology
Webinar: Successful digital pathology implementations — common denominators
Transitioning from analogue to digital imaging within routine diagnostics in pathology is a big change. In this webinar, we share our vast experience from being part of the digitization of labs around...
Webinars | Digital pathology
Webinar: A digital pathology journey — the Mayo Clinic experience
This webinar explores the digital pathology process that has begun at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Listen as Mayo representatives discuss their journey into digitizing their pathology solution.
Webinars | Digital pathology
Is your health system ready for digital pathology?
Sectra provides an FDA-approved, clinical production system for digital pathology that can handle large volumes at peak performance. The solution allows pathologists to review images and carry out rep...
Page | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
Webinar: Digital pathology for routine diagnostics — experiences from Region Skåne & Hospital for Special Surgery
In this webinar, listen to first-hand implementation experiences from Region Skåne in Sweden, one of the world’s largest institutions using digital pathology for primary diagnostics, and Hospital f...
Webinars | Digital pathology
CAP-ACP: Inaugural Digital Pathology and Precision Diagnostics Summit
Don’t miss the chance to see Sectra’s Digital Pathology in action. Book a demo to discover how our solution enhances diagnostic accuracy, streamlines workflows, and facilitates improved collaborat...
Event | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise imaging
Webinar: Pivoting to digital pathology — inside University Hospitals’ journey
Ready to make the leap to digital pathology? In this recorded video webinar, learn from the team at University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH, the why and how they accomplished this journey.
Webinars | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
Barts Health and Sectra start digital pathology programme for three million people
A programme to enhance patient diagnoses, speed up turnaround times and modernise pathology services has begun at Barts Health NHS Trust. The initiative will improve clinical collaboration and access...
Page | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging
Digital pathology reduces turnaround time and barriers in using second opinions—thus improving patient care
The variation in diagnoses within pathology and cancer care is a well-known issue and as patients’ demands on healthcare increase, so do the demands on the quality of pathology diagnoses. To reduce...
Articles | Digital pathology
Webinar: How to build a business case for digital pathology
So, you understand the benefits of Shifting to Digital Pathology — now what? In this webinar, you will learn how to take the next steps and build a business case to justify an investment for it. Mar...
Webinars | Digital pathology
Webinar: How to set up a regional digital pathology system as a common platform with different subsystems
Discover new developments in digital pathology and use the experiences of experts in the field for a smooth transition to go digital.
Webinars | Digital pathology
Webinar: Taking charge of the AI implementation in digital pathology
Promising results in basic AI research have shown the potential utility of AI algorithms within digital pathology. But what is needed to bring AI the last mile to clinical utility? In this webinar, yo...
Webinars | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Digitizing pathology? Don't create another silo
Pathology departments play a key role in cancer care, but are currently under enormous pressure and face great challenges. Over the past decade, pathology departments have not only been subject to inc...
Articles | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
Evaluating a solution for digital pathology
The adoption of digital pathology is evolving and is often divided into procurement of equipment for image acquisition (scanners) and software for image review (digital pathology solutions). This whit...
White papers | Digital pathology
The path to collaboration—why and how pathology will digitize
Digital pathology is expected to be the next big digitisation in healthcare and with good reason, writes Jane Rendall, UK managing director at Sectra.
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
Where and how digitization affects the pathology workflow
Until recently, using a conventional light microscope has been standard practice for examining histopathology slides. However, the use of digital pathology is on the rise and many pathology labs are n...
Articles | Digital pathology
Transforming pathology: the NIPACS+ digital revolution in Northern Ireland
The NIPACS+ Programme, commissioned by DHCNI, in Northern Ireland represents a pioneering effort to bring digital innovation to the field of pathology in the region, which performs around 40 million d...
Case | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging | Share and collaborate
Going digital: Can everything in pathology be consolidated?
Digital pathology is a key enabler of transformation and consolidation in pathology. But how far should we take the laboratory out of the hospital? Jane Rendall, UK managing director at Sectra, reflec...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
"Why do I need a pathology PACS?" — Revisited three years later
Three years ago, I wrote the article “Why do I need a pathology PACS”, which was surprisingly widely discussed among early adopters of digital pathology. The reason I wrote the article was to info...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
DPC 2023
We welcome you to join Sectra at the 10th Digital Pathology & AI Congress (DPC) in London, UK (now in a larger venue – The Intercontinental Hotel, the O2). Visit Sectra at booth #35 to learn mor...
Event | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Who can claim ownership of a pathology image?
I am confident that the advantages of digital pathology outweigh those of the analog workflow using a microscope. However, the benefit of glass slides being ‘vendor neutral’ in terms of being revi...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
Articles | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
Finnish university hospital reaps the benefits of integrated diagnostics
Finland is a big country, but its population density is very low. So is the availability of pathologists; today, there are only 150 consultant pathologists in the country to cover the needs of the 5.5...
Case | Digital pathology
The elevator pitch on "Why do I need a pathology PACS?"
In the past year, I have attended a number of pathology shows to discuss digital pathology in general and Sectra’s solution in particular. A very common question is: “Why do I need a PACS and not...
Articles | Digital pathology
Streamline multi­disciplinary team meetings using a joint enterprise platform for radiology and pathology diagnosis
Multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings, or tumor boards, are a cornerstone of cancer care, and the practice of holding such meetings is increasing greatly. Several studies [1][2][3] clearly demonstrate...
Articles | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging
Supporting digital full-scale primary diagnostics in pathology
Pathology, a labor-intense and historically heavily analogue discipline, is now undergoing digitization. Departments are investing in scanners for the digitization of images and pathologists are adapt...
Articles | Digital pathology
How to implement machine learning to reap true advantages in pathology
With the granting of the first FDA approval for primary diagnosis, combined with several European labs performing most of their reviews digitally, the digitization of pathology has gained momentum and...
Articles | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Insights from pathology digitization at Linköping University Hospital
Since 2012, Linköping University Hospital has been at the forefront of medical imaging and part of a large Swedish innovation project tasked with exploring the potential digitization of pathology. Th...
Case | Digital pathology
Proper integration is key in achieving efficiency in digital workflows—four tips on important demands to impose on your suppliers
Digital pathology has great potential to increase the efficiency and quality of anatomical pathology. A good digital workplace supports the daily work in everything from simple tasks, such as combinin...
Articles | Digital pathology
A call for connected diagnostics
Digitization – it’s a hot topic across pathology, especially as conversations about artificial intelligence and computer-assisted diagnosis add to the fire. But what does it actually mean to patho...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
Swedish county council shows the way to a successful implementation of enterprise imaging
Region Värmland is a pioneer in enterprise imaging and is currently a world leader in managing and storing medical images, multimedia and patient information in a central, region-wide platform. In a...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging
Implementing AI in pathology practice
In 2016, we at Sectra implemented our first image-based AI application in routine diagnostics at several labs. It was a computer aided detection tool, a KI67 cell counter that classifies positive and...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Digital histopathology reviews
This article is an interview with Sten Thorstenson, senior consultant pathologist at Linköping University Hospital and a pioneer in the field of digital pathology.
Case | Digital pathology
NHS must move beyond 19th century cancer diagnostics to save 11,000 more lives
A new national ambition to save thousands more lives through earlier cancer diagnoses requires an urgent NHS shift to digital pathology, writes Chris Scarisbrick, Sectra UK & Ireland.
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
Pathology Update 2024
We invite you to connect with Sectra at the Pathology Update conference 2024. We will be showcasing our comprehensive Digital Pathology Solution and answering your questions about everything from impl...
Event | AI in medical imaging | Digital pathology
Video | Digital pathology
Solution area
Webinar: A pathologist’s perspective — how to successfully transition from analogue to digital diagnostics
In this session (session 1 of the “Shifting to digital pathology series”), learn how to implement digital pathology from the advice of Elin Kindberg, Global Product Manager at Sectra, and...
Webinars | Digital pathology
Podcast: The transition from glass slides to digital success
Transitioning from whole slide to digital pathology isn’t just a shift—it’s a true evolution. In this episode, we follow up on Driving the transition to digital pathology article together with D...
Podcast | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Increasingly vital role of medical imaging in oncology
Medical imaging in the field of oncology is advancing in leaps and bounds. It is becoming increasingly easy to manage images and data, making it possible to determine with greater accuracy which treat...
Case | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging | Digital pathology
Integrated diagnostics in practice: a pilot test of a globally unique solution for the investigation of prostate cancer
A working group from the National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden (NPCR) and the Regional Cancer Centers (RCC) worked with Sectra to develop a new digital solution that could become the national st...
Case | Radiology imaging | Enterprise imaging
Will not using image analysis in pathology be perceived as irresponsible?
Diagnostic review of pathology specimens is based on pathologists’ interpretation and measurements of the tissue. A number of formal measurement protocols, developed by the profession, are currently...
Industry reflections | AI in medical imaging | Digital pathology
Transforming healthcare imaging: an interview with Sectra’s CTO
How does the evolving landscape of imaging digitization look through the eyes of Fredrik Gustavsson, CTO at Sectra? In a recent interview with Bill Russell from This Week Health at HIMSS ’23, Fr...
Articles | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
Pathology goes digital—what can we learn from radiology's journey? 5 tips from UK radiologists
Pathology is embarking on a similar digitization journey as radiology has experienced. Despite some obvious differences in how the transition to digital images will occur, it is obvious that questions...
Articles | Digital pathology
A short term strategy to reap the long term benefits of deep learning and integrated diagnostics
In recent years, tighter collaboration, or even a merger, between radiology and pathology has been frequently discussed within medical imaging. This shift from the departmental/silo approach to an inc...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Pathology Visions 2025
Join Sectra at Pathology Visions 2025, where we will showcase our comprehensive, FDA-approved, and vendor-neutral digital pathology solution, part of our complete enterprise imaging offering. For more...
Event | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Integrating diagnostics: not a takeover but fundamental to better care
The time for diagnoses based on incomplete datasets is at an end; we must connect the ‘ologies’ with all of medicine, writes Dr. Brendan Devlin, a practising radiologist and Senior Clinical Adviso...
Articles | Enterprise imaging | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging
What can happen in a year of NHS diagnostic modernisation?
Breaking down silos across diagnostic services has been a focus for the NHS transformation agenda for many years. But year on year rising demands, workforce challenges and pressures that have intensified with the pandemic, have now collectively placed the urgency for change into sharper focus.
Telepathology an effective solution for a large Danish hospital
A Dutchman who reviews the skin samples of Danish patients while on holiday in Spain. This scenario is made possible thanks to a digital pathology solution from Sectra. “Without telepathology, I’d...
Case | Digital pathology | Share and collaborate
Product | Breast imaging
Lessons learned: The benefits of a scalable breast imaging PACS
Analyzing today’s breast imaging centers, we see the need to introduce new technology and consolidate existing IT systems. However, looking back at the digitization journey of some of the first mamm...
Articles | Breast imaging
DICOM—one image format to rule them all
The field of pathology imaging is undergoing rapid change. Articles published just two years ago may already be outdated due to the fast pace of innovation. By March 2022, we had tested scanners from...
Industry reflections | Digital pathology
Region Syddanmark sagde farvel til glas, og bød fremtiden ind, med en digitalisering af patologien
Før 2020 var konventionel mikroskopi stadig den eneste måde at arbejde med patologi i Danmark. Det betød mange timer med hovedet bukket og blikket fæstnet på snit af vævsprøver i mikroskoper fo...
Page | Digital pathology
Pathology Informatics Summit 2024
We welcome you to join Sectra at the Pathology Informatics Summit 2024 at booth 11, for logistical information, please visit the official event website. We’d love to connect in Ann Arbor to delv...
Event | Digital pathology
Six PACS systems merged into one VNA: the Braunschweig Hospital begins its journey into the digital future with Sectra
With an innovative tender, the Braunschweig Hospital attracted a great deal of attention and sent a clear signal regarding the direction of its digital future. The German academic teaching hospital wa...
Case | Enterprise platform | Enterprise imaging
Five-site breast-care center EWBC packs a punch in the fight against breast cancer
The past several years have seen the development of a de facto stealth campaign against screening mammography. “Vast Study Casts Doubts on Value of Mammograms,” the New York Times bullhorned in 20...
Case | Breast imaging
Webinar: Revolutionizing pathology with image analysis and AI
Image analysis and artificial intelligence has potential to revolutionize the field of pathology and it is often mentioned as one of the key drivers of digitizing pathology workflows. Still, uptake of...
Webinars | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
Interview with Sectra CEO: new partnership with GE and RSNA highlights
Imaging IT giant Sectra recently announced that it’s partnering with competitor GE HealthCare on a new initiative. The two industry giants are working toward “seamless integration” of their adv...
Articles | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
Product | AI in medical imaging
Dutch pathology department among the first in the world to review histology cases for primary diagnostics digitally
In 2016, pathologists at University Hospital Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) in the Netherlands became among the first in the world to review histology cases for primary diagnostics digitally. The completely pa...
Case | Digital pathology
Pathology Informatics Summit 2025
We welcome you to join Sectra at the Pathology Informatics Summit 2025. For logistical information, please visit the official event website. We’d love to connect in Ann Arbor to delve more into...
Event | Digital pathology
Rethinking image sharing: Cleveland trailblazers link 20+ hospitals and provider sites
Cleveland is yet again blazing new ground in healthcare. This time, myriad health systems are actively collaborating to share images. A first for the U.S., we believe. University Hospitals Health Syst...
Case | Share and collaborate
Webinar: Connected in distance — analyzing telepathology’s impact during COVID-19 and the benefits of implementing remote readings
In this session (session 2 of the “Shifting to digital pathology series”), learn about the power of telepathology and how it enabled efficient remote reading for Dr. Mats Wolving, GI Pathologist a...
Webinars | Digital pathology
ECP 2024
We welcome you to join Sectra at the 36th European Congress of Pathology (ECP) to learn more about the possibilities and benefits with digital pathology, and how Sectra’s comprehensive and vendor-ne...
Event | Digital pathology | Medical education
Turn the data explosion to an advantage: Top advice to the health CIOs of the future
The rapid introduction of new medical devices and advanced diagnostic methods, together with genomics and patient-handled wearables, has started to generate vast amounts of data. Combined with new sel...
Articles | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Northern Ireland launches digital health diagnostics programme
NIPACS+ will support the creation of regional networks of care and will help the region to transform diagnostic services, as healthcare professionals benefit from a single point of access to medical i...
Case | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging | Share and collaborate
Page | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Medical education | Orthopaedics | Sectra One Cloud
Gathering multiple hospitals’ digital media in a shared archive
Helse Nord’s digital multimedia archive is now ready for use by hospitals in Northern Norway. The health region’s radiology archive from Sectra has been upgraded and expanded in order to store dig...
Case | Enterprise platform | Enterprise imaging
RSNA 2019 market report—the top trends you should know about
Yet another RSNA has passed and we can conclude that this year there were not any new major trends, rather incremental developments of existing trends. Enterprise imaging (EI), AI and workflow orchest...
Industry reflections | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Enterprise imaging
Der Weg zur digitalen Pathologie: IT-gestützter Zugriff auf Bilder und Befundberichte im gesamten Unternehmen
Der Weg von der Vision bis zum erreichten Ziel ist oft lang und beschwerlich, aber der Durchhaltewillen zahlt sich aus: So auch im Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York, das vor sieben Jahren...
Page | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
This is enterprise imaging
First there was PACS: picture archiving and communications systems. Over the last decade, as managing medical imaging has expanded far beyond radiology, enterprise imaging was born. But what is enterp...
Articles | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Ophthalmology imaging | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
Europe’s first purpose built breast cancer prevention center
The Nightingale Centre in Manchester, United Kingdom, is Europe’s first purpose-built center for breast cancer prevention. Services provided by the center include symptomatic and screening mammograp...
Case | Breast imaging
A UK-wide cloud for diagnostics could leapfrog digital maturity
Pressure to improve sustainability and reduce isolation in healthcare has renewed the hunger for a different approach to IT. Installing software in individual organizations, and then managing it local...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging | Sectra One Cloud
A move forward in enterprise digital imaging with Sectra PACS at Morecambe Bay
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) has seen many benefits from its deployment of a second generation Sectra PACS, integrated with its Electronic Patient Record (EPR). N...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging
USCAP 2025
We welcome you to join Sectra at USCAP 2025, at booth #416. For logistical information, please visit the official event website.   We are eager to connect in Boston to delve more into the benefit...
Event | Enterprise imaging
VNAbling PACS unites cardiology and radiology to the benefit of many
Having been in the Sectra PACS fold since 2004, members of the radiology department at six-hospital CoxHealth in Springfield, Mo., didn’t need much convincing to “VNAble” their existing system s...
Case | Enterprise platform | Cardiology imaging | Enterprise imaging | Radiology imaging
Webinar: Integrating image analysis into the clinical workflow
Discover new developments in digital pathology and learn more about the integration of image analysis into the clinical workflow.
Webinars | Digital pathology | AI in medical imaging
International Imaging Congress 2023
We welcome you to join Sectra at the International Imaging Congress 2023. Where forward-thinking clinicians, technologists, entrepreneurs, and healthcare investors come together with experts in medica...
Event | Enterprise imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
ECDP 2024
We welcome you to join Sectra at the 20th European Congress on Digital Pathology in beautiful Vilnius, Lithuania, where we will be showcasing our digital pathology solution and answering your question...
Event | Digital pathology
Healthcare insights for 2020 and ten years ahead
During the last few months, I’ve had the privilege to interview several leaders within the Swedish healthcare system [1]. I asked what they expect will be the biggest technological and structural ch...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging
Helt digital röntgen­mottagning sparar tid för såväl medarbetare som patienter
I januari 2021 invigdes en ny, helt digital, röntgenenhet i stadsdelen Mjärdevi i Linköping. Enheten är en del av Region Östergötlands satsning på digitalisering och nära vård, två högt pri...
Page | Radiology imaging
ProMedica finds an enterprise VNA is far more than just an expanded PACS
At ProMedica, a 13-hospital system serving northwestern Ohio and southeastern Michigan, the lineup of clinical departments soon to benefit from leadership’s decision to expand a long-installed radio...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Cardiology imaging | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging
Regional healthcare initiatives in the UK: an opportunity for silo-busting and integrated diagnostics
Health authorities in the UK are developing regional initiatives to make significant improvement to health and care. The needs look beyond departmental and organizational boundaries, focusing on the n...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging
Time to rethink prostate cancer diagnostics?
Many of us know, or have known, someone with prostate cancer. Today, prostate cancer is seen as a chronic disease and it is common that surgery is not performed in cancers categorized as harmless, mai...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging | Share and collaborate
5 years into the cloud, John Muir Health is just getting started
One 3D mammogram acquired via digital breast tomosynthesis adds about 500MB of image data to a hospital’s storage system. That’s the average. On the high end, a single study can occupy as much as...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
Interview with Sectra CEO: cloud and cybersecurity in medical imaging
Cybersecurity is a hot topic in the medical IT sector. Threats increasing on a daily basis combined with the need for remote working make it one of the major priorities for health systems to take an e...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging | Sectra One Cloud
Podcast: From co-development to go-live—Inside Penn Medicine and Sectra's genomics journey
How do leading institutions bring innovative genomics solutions from concept to reality? Dr. Salvatore Priore, Assistant Professor at Penn Medicine, and Fredrik Lysholm, General Manager of Genomics IT...
Podcast | Enterprise imaging | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging
Orthopedic hospital with production and quality of care in focus
Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi is a private hospital in Milan dedicated to orthopedic procedures. They perform approximately 100,000 examinations and 15,000 surgeries annually. As a production-oriented...
Case | Orthopaedics
Integrating breast tomo into the women’s imaging service line
Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) was approved in the US for use as a supplement to traditional mammography following FDA review of two studies in which radiologists showed a 7% improvement in the ab...
Industry reflections | Breast imaging
The road to making peer review an added value—not an added burden
Most radiology departments currently use some form of formalized peer review and those that do not will soon as a result of upcoming legislation. However, many radiologists claim that previous attempt...
Articles | Radiology imaging
Best practices in adopting enterprise imaging
A case study on eight hospitals to find the best practices to add different “ologies” to the imaging platform on the journey toward a complete enterprise imaging solution.
Articles | Enterprise imaging
Redefining technologies in the quest for patient centricity
Departmental technologies like PACS are changing and breaking free of their traditional roles, being redefined to respond to patient needs across the entire hospital, writes former NHS radiographer, C...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging
Podcast: From pixels to pathways—the future of integrated diagnostics
How can genomics and diagnostic imaging come together to revolutionize integrated diagnostics? Fredrik Lysholm, General Manager of Genomics IT at Sectra, and Dr. Prabhu Arumugam, Director of Clinical...
Podcast | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging
Structured reporting in practise: A collaboration between Sectra and Regional Cancer Center West
In 2020, Sectra and Sweden’s Regional Cancer Centre West (RCC) started working on a joint pilot project for MRI prostate reporting to improve and streamline data collection for individual patient ov...
Case | Radiology imaging
Dental radiology is following the enterprise imaging trend
We spoke at length with lecturer and physicist Gerald Torgersen along with Linda Arvidsson and Ulf Riis, maxillofacial radiologists at the Department of Maxillofacial Radiology, part of the Institute...
Case | Radiology imaging | Enterprise imaging
New ways of working and digital tools required for basic medical education
A constantly growing need for care along with an explosive increase in medical knowledge and the use of technical tools is creating major challenges when it comes to training healthcare personnel quic...
Articles | Medical education
Sechs PACS-Systeme vereint in einem VNA: Klinikum Braunschweig startet mit Sectra in die digitale Zukunft
Mit einer innovativen Ausschreibung hat das Klinikum Braunschweig auf sich aufmerksam gemacht und ein deutliches Signal in Richtung digitale Zukunft gesetzt. Gesucht wurde ein Partner, der alle berei...
Page | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Share and collaborate
Webinar: Integrated diagnostics is here to stay
This webinar explores the implementation of a single platform for radiology and pathology workflows and integrated diagnostics at NYC’s Hospital for Special Surgery. Watch as HSS representatives des...
Webinars | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Radiology imaging
4th NHS Pathology Conference: Improving NHS Diagnostics
We invite you to join Sectra at the 4th NHS Pathology Conference: Improving NHS diagnostics. This event aims to address challenges by bringing together experts, stakeholders, and innovators to foster...
Event | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Workflow-centric solution vs. scanning workstations
The pathology workflow is still almost exclusively based on manual examinations of tissue samples under a microscope. The technology and knowledge for a full-scale digitization of pathology is now ava...
White papers | Digital pathology
Webinar: A leading academic medical center deploys an IT solution for genomics in cancer diagnostics
Analysis of genetic information, referred to as genomics or precision medicine, is increasingly used in healthcare to diagnose better and treat patients. Sectra has launched a new, cloud-based diagnos...
Event | Sectra One Cloud | Radiology imaging
Healthcare would stop without diagnostic imaging
I have spent my whole working life focused on implementing innovations within diagnostic imaging. Together with many of the world’s leading healthcare organizations, I am driven by a shared belief t...
Industry reflections | Medical education
HINZ Digital Health Week NZ 2024
Connect with Sectra at HINZ 2024 to learn more about our enterprise imaging offering, delivered as a fully managed service. Discover our high-performance Best-in-KLAS PACS — featuring fast and seaml...
Event | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Sectra One Cloud
Digital Health Rewired 2025
We invite you to join Sectra at Digital Health Rewired 2025. This event offers insights and inspiration for those interested in learning from the UK’s top digital health speakers and NHS case st...
Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
A leading academic medical center deploys an IT solution for genomics in cancer diagnostics
Analysis of genetic information, referred to as genomics or precision medicine, is increasingly used in healthcare to diagnose better and treat patients. Sectra has launched a new, cloud-based diagnos...
Webinars | Enterprise imaging | Sectra One Cloud
Product | Enterprise platform
A game changer for cancer research?
Earlier this year, Sectra’s enterprise imaging system was deployed at Genomics England. It now ingests radiology and pathology imaging from a large number of NHS trusts and supports a world-lead...
Case | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Radiology imaging
HIMSS 2025
Join us at HIMSS 2025, where we will demonstrate our complete enterprise imaging offering, with Sectra VNA and our Best in KLAS PACS for radiology, pathology, cardiology, and ophthalmology at its core...
Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
Webinar: AI implementation in clinical practice: hidden challenges and the hidden technical debt
Over the last 8 years, there have been tremendous advances in developing AI models for pathology, either focused on specific tasks or taking on complete diagnostic workflows. These models have ac...
Webinars | AI in medical imaging | Digital pathology
Cloud: this is enterprise imaging
Medical images have long lived on legacy spinning disks. But healthcare systems are now leaving behind those on-prem, awkward boxes that require too much real estate, IT support and expense. Cloud is...
Articles | Sectra One Cloud | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Ophthalmology imaging | Radiology imaging
Research at Sectra
Innovation is part of Sectra’s identity. Ever since the company was spun off from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University in the late 1970s, scientific advances have formed the basis fo...
Digitale Pathologie – wo steht Deutschland?
Die Zukunft der Pathologie ist digital – darin stimmen mittlerweile fast alle Experten überein. Befundung am Computer statt am konventionellen Mikroskop, schnelleres und besseres Datenmanagement so...
What could emerging NHS data policy mean for medical imaging?
The NHSX Data Saves Lives strategy is one that the imaging sector should pay close attention to, writes Sectra’s Chris Scarisbrick.
Industry reflections | Radiology imaging | Digital pathology | Share and collaborate
The benefits of structured reporting in radiology
After the success of our first roundtable discussion, European trends in diagnostic radiology, Sectra has arranged yet another great session with the experts in the field. This time, the focus was on...
Articles | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging
No more on-prem? How quickly is the NHS imaging moving to public cloud?
With cloud-first policies in place for years, the NHS has become a cloud pioneer on the world stage. Barriers to translating policy into practice for diagnostic imaging technology are now being overco...
Industry reflections | Sectra One Cloud
Breast tomosynthesis and the PACS: The journey to sustainable workflow
The emergence of a new, powerful imaging modality is cause for both celebration and consternation, and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) has proven no exception to this rule, according to participant...
Articles | Breast imaging
Internet-first impetus could connect NHS diagnostics
Cloud-first and internet-first government policies have been a feature of public sector procurement for years. But where the NHS has been slower to respond, momentum is now starting to build in the he...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
What we still need to use AI safely and quickly in healthcare
The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare is often touted as a technology which can transform how tasks are carried out across the NHS. Rachel Dunscombe, CEO of the NHS digital academy and dire...
Industry reflections | AI in medical imaging
Comprehensive medical education solution inspires teachers and students while further perfecting blended learning
Back in 2016, as part of the renovation of the dissection room at Newcastle University, a decision was made to also upgrade the equipment in the room in order to uphold the university’s commitment t...
Case | Medical education
Digital magazine: This is enterprise imaging
In this digital magazine we talk about how moving from multiple PACS to a single enterprise imaging system is busting siloes and deepening integration; challenges in radiology imaging and how radiolog...
Articles | Sectra One Cloud | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Ophthalmology imaging | Radiology imaging
Niagara Health launches new enterprise imaging solution to significantly improve patient care and outcomes
Faster diagnoses, increased collaboration between healthcare providers, and prioritizing the most urgent patient cases – these are just some of the benefits of the new Sectra Enterprise Imaging solu...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Orthopaedics | Radiology imaging
Webinar: Driving Digital Transformation – Lessons Learned from Niagara Health’s Sectra One Implementation
On a mission to improve patient care, Niagara Health adopted a new digital strategy to modernize their enterprise imaging approach. In this webinar, Mike Sharma, Director of Diagnostics, and Wes McLac...
Webinars | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging
Integrerad diagnostik i praktiken – pilottest i Helsingborg av världsunik lösning för prostata­cancerutredning
En arbetsgrupp från Nationella prostatacancerregistret (NPCR) och Regionala cancercentrum (RCC) har tillsammans med Sectra utvecklat en ny digital lösning som kan komma att bli nationell standard f...
Page | Radiology imaging | Digital pathology
Navigating the new normal with digital tools
Parker University in the US, like many educational institutions, faced substantial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The abrupt shift to remote learning accelerated the integration of digital t...
Case | Medical education
Product | Enterprise platform | Enterprise imaging
Artificial Intelligence trends in medical imaging bereiken tipping point in 2020
De technologische ontwikkelingen op het gebied van medical imaging zijn de afgelopen jaren snel gegaan: opslag in de cloud, ziekenhuisbrede imaging-systemen, digitale pathologie en AI. 2020 lijkt het...
Page | Enterprise platform | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
Breaking down silos: Delivering true clinical value from a VNA
The vendor neutral archive offers one of the best opportunities to join together imaging and other valuable data from across diagnostic modalities, to the entire hospital and beyond. How can we ensure...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging
How strategy, growth and Sectra VNA made Hartford HealthCare’s ImageConnect Project happen
Hartford HealthCare is Connecticut’s most comprehensive healthcare network. Over the last several years, this community and academic health system has grown significantly through its strategic affil...
Case | Enterprise platform | Enterprise imaging | Radiology imaging
ECR market report 2019—the top trends you should know about
ECR has closed its doors for this year. Once again, I am amazed by the enthusiasm among the attendees and vendors when it comes to bringing new innovations to improve healthcare. As many of us have EC...
Industry reflections | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Enterprise imaging
UK's largest teleradiology provider Medica procures Sectra PACS
The largest provider of teleradiology services to NHS hospitals, Medica Group PLC, will use Sectra’s enterprise imaging solution to automate processes, improve productivity, and give its hundreds of...
Page | Radiology imaging
Club utilisateurs Pathologie - 3ème édition
Le club utilisateurs de pathologie Sectra est de retour avec sa troisième édition qui se déroulera le Mardi 3 Juin 2025 à l’espace Keeze Liège Saint-Lazare à Paris. Inscrivez-vous dès mai...
Event | Digital pathology
Cross-disciplinary learning enabled through cloud-based solution
At the University of Bradford, the Sectra Education Portal was recently incorporated into the curriculum. The portal, which provides students with an enhanced understanding of anatomical structures, c...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Medical education
HIMSS 2024
Thank you for visiting Sectra’s booth at HIMSS 2024 and exploring a single approach for all your enterprise imaging needs with our fully managed, secure, and high-performing Software as a Service. W...
Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
Could chief clinical AI officers help the NHS to save more lives?
Chief clinical information officers didn’t even exist in the NHS a decade ago. Now they have become some of the most influential people in the health service, having a very visible and positive impa...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise platform
Let's talk enterprise imaging—a podcast by Sectra
Let’s talk enterprise imaging—a podcast by Sectra, where we discuss hot topics and trends in medical imaging. Our podcast series features a range of episodes that offer insightful perspectives and...
Page | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
NHS cyber security: Scale, cloud and supply chain
Bolstering cyber defences for health and care is a priority, according to the government’s latest strategy on the subject. Sectra’s Chris Scarisbrick gives his views on some immediate prio...
Page | Sectra One Cloud
A totally digital national breast screening service
BreastCheck, the national breast screening program in Ireland, provide free mammograms to women aged 50–69 through a network of four static units and 16 mobile units covering more than 30 locations...
Case | Breast imaging
Radiologists slash report turnaround time by 50%
Pioneering speech recognition in Landstinget Västmanland, Sweden, has significantly reduced lead times in radiology. Just six months after integrating Nuance’s SpeechMagic technology into their Sec...
Case | Radiology imaging
The utilization of a dose management solution to lower radiation doses in medical imaging
This paper discusses why radiation exposure in medical imaging is such a hot topic, how a dose management solution can help healthcare organizations to lower dose levels and the important features of...
White papers | Radiology imaging
HIMSS 2019: key trends and what to expect in the future
Last week, the world’s largest convention in e-health HIMSS took place in Orlando, Florida, with over 45,000 attendees from more than 90 countries. The hot topics of the year ranged from digital tra...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise platform
Region Värmland visar vägen för en framgångsrik implementering av enterprise imaging
Region Värmland är en av pionjärerna inom enterprise imaging och är i dag världsledande med att hantera och lagra medicinska bilder, multimedia och patientinformation med en central och regionsge...
Page | Enterprise imaging
Der brænder en glød i patologien
Hvis man kigger globalt på den digitale patologi, så har Danmark en fortjent førsteplads i forhold til moden- og parathed. Og med billedhåndteringssystemer (PACS) på radiologiske og patologiske a...
Page | Digital pathology
The AI iceberg: below the surface
Designing the future of healthcare could become everyone’s responsibility. Making that happen will require a new education focus around artificial intelligence for healthcare professionals and patie...
Industry reflections | AI in medical imaging
Could cyber security be the next big healthcare emergency?
Cyber security is a continuing concern in healthcare, with threats on the rise. Sectra’s Chris Scarisbrick considers the landscape, how far cloud adoption can help the NHS, and how functions like pr...
Colombian university scales up use of digital technology within medical and healthcare education
The Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud (FUCS) is an institution for higher education in Bogotá, Colombia, that boasts 45 years’ experience of training healthcare sector professionals....
Case | Medical education
Stabil digital håndtering af medicinske billeder på Færøerne
Færøerne er et mindre samfund med knap 54.000 indbyggere. De oplever som så mange andre også, at befolkningen bliver ældre og har et stigende behov for pleje i sundhedsvæsenet. Der er derved ogs...
Page | Radiology imaging
Ophthalmology: this is enterprise imaging
Sectra has a new vision for eye care: utilizing a single platform to streamline image viewing, analysis and storage and linking ophthalmology with other ‘ologies across the healthcare system. That v...
Articles | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Ophthalmology imaging | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
The Prince’s Trust and Sectra help more young people into tech careers
A new initiative between The Prince’s Trust and medical imaging IT and cybersecurity company Sectra, is helping to widen access to technology career opportunities for young people from different bac...
Page | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Sectra's partners in the USA
At Sectra, we’re dedicated to extending our imaging excellence across the United States. Through our network of trusted partners, we deliver advanced solutions to healthcare providers of all siz...
Enterprise PACS packs the punch when it doubles as a VNA too
There is no doubt that vendor neutral archives (VNAs) have gained favor over the last several years in managing medical images. But there is some debate over whether hospitals really need both a VNA a...
Articles | Enterprise imaging
Memorial Hospital: Zeroing in on the right zero footprint viewer
Delivering key images, reports and patient data to the point of diagnosis and care is the Holy Grail of radiology and many other specialties today. Having the correct information for the patient at th...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Artificial intelligence and the indispensable human in diagnostics
AI is now essential for automation in radiology and pathology, but it provides a means to support the human, not replace.
Industry reflections | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
Radiology: this is enterprise imaging
Momentum. You feel it when you’ve got it. And when it lags, you’re pushing harder to regain your stride. In radiology, maintaining momentum is core to keeping radiologists, workflow, decision-maki...
Articles | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Ophthalmology imaging | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
Sectra UniView: a new way of working for NSW Health
Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) is a leader in clinical services, research, and education, and provides a wide range of public healthcare services to a population of over 1 million people...
Case | Enterprise platform | Enterprise imaging | Radiology imaging
Could imaging be a goldmine for healthcare providers' artificial intelligence?
Unused archives of millions of diagnostic images could about to become one of the most powerful datasets in the NHS. Jane Rendall, UK managing director at Sectra, asks what can happen when machine lea...
Industry reflections | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging
The VNA in Region Stockholm is paving the way for the future of enterprise imaging
Many healthcare providers are currently adopting enterprise imaging systems to facilitate collaboration and increase efficiency in the sharing of medical images. Although not many have reached full ...
Case | Enterprise platform | Enterprise imaging | Radiology imaging
How can we make AI invisible in healthcare diagnostics?
As new NHSX guidance around artificial intelligence is digested in healthcare, Sectra’s Chris Scarisbrick argues that AI should barely even be noticed by the professionals who use it, and that it ne...
Industry reflections | AI in medical imaging
European trends in diagnostic radiology
What are the biggest challenges within diagnostic radiology in Europe today? And what future trends will have the greatest impact over the next five years? To answer these questions, we brought togeth...
Articles | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging
Webinar: Sanford Health’s enterprise imaging journey
In this webinar, listen as Steve Thompson, Director of Clinical Initiatives, describes the vision, planning, and execution of Sanford Health — the largest rural healthcare system in the U.S., which...
Webinars | Enterprise imaging | Cardiology imaging | Enterprise platform | Orthopaedics | Radiology imaging
Auf einen Blick: Sectras Digitale Pathologie Lösung für die Primärdiagnostik
Elin Kindberg, globale Produktmanagerin für digitale Pathologie bei Sectra, gibt eine kurze Einführung in die digitale Pathologie Lösung von Sectra.
Page | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging
How digitized histopathology training can offer advantages over microscopes
Sahlgrenska Academy, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, offers education and world-leading research in medicine, odontology, and health and care sciences. They were amo...
Case | Medical education | Digital pathology
Vision 2022: Mit intelligenter Bildgebungsstrategie zu besserer medizinischer Versorgung
Die medizinische Versorgung steht in allen Krankenhäusern unter enormem Druck. Die Wartelisten sind extrem lang und der Personalmangel ist ein akutes Problem. Mit einer intelligenteren und schnellere...
Page | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
Information-driven healthcare
What does a diagnostic imaging department spend its time on? What are the busiest times for staff, and what drives the workload at those times? Gaining a true understanding—and implementing the righ...
Case | Radiology imaging | Enterprise imaging
Improving students’ clinical readiness
Sahlgrenska Academy, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Gothenburg, offers medical education and world-leading research. Practical training is of the utmost importance to the academy, which...
Case | Medical education
RANZCR Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
Connect with Sectra at RANZCR 2024 to learn more about our enterprise imaging offering, delivered as a fully managed service. Discover our high-performance Best in KLAS PACS — featuring fast and sea...
Event | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Sectra One Cloud
One platform, endless possibilities: Streamlining workflows at NYGH and Niagara Health
With Sectra Enterprise Imaging, one platform is all it takes to streamline workflows and enhance efficiency across your organization. In this exclusive interview, Dr. Adam Tunis, Radiologist and Direc...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Radiology imaging
Product | Medical education
Product | Orthopaedics
Modern telemedicine solution enables cross-border collaboration
When patients experience a stroke, the time to treatment is crucial for survival. Every second saved before a thrombectomy* is performed on the patient significantly improves the odds of a positive ou...
Case | Share and collaborate
‘Cutting-edge’ enterprise imaging enhances workflows and patient care at Mayfair Diagnostics
In 2020, Canadian medical imaging provider, Mayfair Diagnostics, selected Sectra to deliver an enterprise imaging solution that supports workflow optimization, heightens reading efficiency, and enable...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Breast imaging | Radiology imaging
The present state of radiology AI and how to prepare for the future
Earlier this year, Sectra gathered radiology experts and thought leaders for a virtual roundtable discussion to talk about the biggest challenges and future trends within the field of diagnostic radio...
Articles | AI in medical imaging | Radiology imaging
AI frigör värdefull tid för radiologer i Region Värmland
Artificiell intelligens har stor potential att förbättra kvalitet och produktivitet för bilddiagnostiken. Erfarenheter visar dock att avtalsmässiga, tekniska och juridiska aspekter kan utgöra sto...
Page | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Radiology imaging
AI frees up valuable time for radiologists in a Swedish healthcare region
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds great potential to improve the quality and productivity of diagnostic imaging. However, experience shows that contractual, technical, and legal aspects can present m...
Case | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Radiology imaging
Framgångsrik implementering av svarsmallar inom klinisk fysiologi – erfarenheter från Västmanland och Skåne
I Västmanland och Skåne har man i flera decennier arbetat med strukturerad svarsskrivning inom klinisk fysiologi. Detta har underlättat både för den som skriver utlåtandet och för den remittera...
Page | Cardiology imaging | Enterprise imaging
Greater Manchester reaches new milestone in go live to support faster diagnoses through PACS-based reporting
Radiologists and radiographers at Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust have become the first in Greater Manchester to use the Sectra picture archiving and communication system (PACS) to report...
Page | Radiology imaging | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Homerton Healthcare embraces true SaaS enterprise imaging with Sectra and Microsoft Azure
Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is the first National Health Service (NHS) organization in the UK to deploy a cloud-based enterprise imaging service fully managed by Sectra. The deployment im...
Case | Sectra One Cloud | Enterprise imaging | Orthopaedics | Radiology imaging
Sectra Portugal User Meeting 2024
Estamos entusiasmados por apresentar as melhorias futuras e como estas poderão aumentar significativamente o desempenho e a eficiência do PACS da sua instituição. Neste dia, teremos a oportunidade...
Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
John Muir Health exchanges images with neighboring providers
The imaging division at John Muir Health in California’s Contra Costa County has been supplying topnotch image-handling capabilities to end users located across the system’s sprawling family tree...
Case | Share and collaborate
PACS & EMR integration: Carilion Clinic improves speed, connectivity and access
It was early 2015 when the team at Carilion Clinic decided they had outgrown their PACS and needed to replace their decade-old system. Software lockups were all too common, and they needed to amp up t...
Case | Radiology imaging | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Philipps-Universität Marburg first in Germany to introduce innovative table
The Philipps-Universität Marburg was founded in 1527 and has since been a centre for both research and teaching. Today, it has nearly 23,000 students. The Faculty of Human Medicine is the largest fac...
Case | Medical education
Two NHS trusts take 'giant leap' in connecting diagnostics across hospitals
Two NHS trusts in the North West of England have taken the lead in breaking down barriers between diagnostic departments and frontline clinical staff, in a move that healthcare professionals say is ch...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
A shared image archive offers major advantages for healthcare providers and patients
Within Stockholm County Council (SLL), Sweden’s capital region, there are 2,000 healthcare providers—ranging from hospitals and district care centers to specialist clinics and private dentists. To...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Product | Cardiology imaging | Enterprise imaging
Product | Share and collaborate | Enterprise imaging
The first NHS PACS in the cloud – faster, safer reporting at Guy’s and St Thomas’
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust became the first trust in England to use a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) in the cloud in 2017. The Sectra PACS is taking pressure away...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging
Industry reflections | Radiology imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Applications to fill the gaps in your IT ecosystem
Today’s healthcare organizations, in some cases, are built on hundreds of different integrated IT systems, creating a complex and ever-changing ecosystem. For a user, this ecosystem must function as...
Articles | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Medical education | Orthopaedics | Radiology imaging | Share and collaborate
Digitale pathologie een must bij regionale samenwerking
De toekomst van digitale pathologie begint zichtbaar te worden. Steeds meer labs kiezen hiervoor om hun efficiency te verhogen en makkelijker samen te werken met anderen. Wat zijn de succesfactoren vo...
Page | Digital pathology
Enterprise imaging is going to the cloud—but should you go private, public or a hybrid?
It is not an understatement to say that the trend for enterprise imaging systems and PACS is moving toward the cloud. The reason? Quite simply, moving to the cloud provides significant new opportuniti...
Articles | Sectra One Cloud | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Medical education | Orthopaedics | Radiology imaging | Share and collaborate
Articles | Radiology imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Medical education | Orthopaedics | Share and collaborate
Pathologen van het Radboudumc kunnen thuiswerken dankzij digitale pathologie
Na een goed doordacht voor- en implementatietraject zat de afdeling Pathologie van het Radboudumc midden in de test- en acceptatiefase van het digitale pathologiesysteem van Sectra toen duidelijk werd...
Page | Digital pathology
Visie 2021: Versnelde digitalisatie van beeldvormende diagnostiek om inhaalslag te realiseren
Als corona ons een ding heeft geleerd, dan is het wel hoe kwetsbaar ons zorgsysteem is. Als het aantal ziekenhuisopnames onverwacht te veel oploopt, moet de reguliere zorg worden afgeschaald. Dit bete...
Mehr Digitalisierung in der bildgebenden Diagnostik
Wenn uns Corona eines gelehrt hat, dann, dass unser Gesundheitswesen verwundbar ist. Steigt die Anzahl an Krankenhauseinweisungen unerwartet stark, muss die standardmäßige medizinische Versorgung e...
Krankenhaus­zukunftsgesetz (KHZG)
Mit einem Fördervolumen von 4,3 Mrd. Euro stellen Bund und Länder Mittel zur Verfügung, um die Digitalisierung und moderne technische Ausstattung in den Krankenhäusern zu fördern. Ziel ist eine z...
An imaging system providing “flow” in radiology diagnostics
In 2017, the South African private radiology chain Maine Radiology selected Sectra to provide a central enterprise imaging system to be used by four of the chain’s clinics. Utilizing a single common...
Case | Radiology imaging | Enterprise platform
Industry symposium: Experience the benefits of implementing integrated diagnostics
A single platform for medical imaging makes it possible to eliminate the current walls around existing medical silos, including those between radiology and pathology. Treatment guided by integrated di...
Webinars | Enterprise imaging | Breast imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging
Visie 2022: Creëer een hogere beschikbaarheid van zorg met een slimme beeldstrategie
De beschikbaarheid van zorg staat in alle ziekenhuizen onder druk. De wachtlijsten zijn gigantisch en het personeelsgebrek is nijpend. Eén van de gebieden waar ziekenhuizen veel tijdwinst kunnen beha...
Page | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
Portsmouth hospital accelerates AI programme through Sectra Amplifier Service
Healthcare professionals at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust are trialling an AI application designed to help detect lung cancers on chest x-rays sooner, in the first UK project set up using...
Page | AI in medical imaging | Radiology imaging
Sharing is caring at innovative university
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) is a public university with almost 22,000 students. It offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, 36 of which are within the Faculty of Health Sciences...
Case | Medical education
Visie 2023: Tijd om de beeldende diagnostiek radicaal te transformeren
De zorg staat al jaren onder druk. De huidige demografische ontwikkelingen zorgen ervoor dat de druk onhoudbaar wordt, tenzij je dingen echt ánders gaat organiseren. Aan de behandelkant worden daarto...
Page | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
Diagnostiek 2.0: Een blik op de toekomst van de zorg in 2024 en daarna
De ontwikkelingen in diagnostiek gaan sneller dan ooit. De hoeveelheid data groeit gestaag en de technische mogelijkheden om deze data slimmer te analyseren nemen toe. Goed nieuws voor de patiënt, ma...
Page | AI in medical imaging | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
Structured reporting: a key to more value-driven radiology
In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, radiology plays a pivotal role in diagnosing and guiding treatment decisions. However, as the volume and complexity of imaging studies continue to rise, traditi...
White papers | Radiology imaging
Increased patient security and major time gains—result of automated multimedia flows in Swedish university hospital
Region Östergötland has a clear strategy for how medical images and multimedia are to be managed in their operations. As far as possible, they prefer to use a centralized storage solution on a regio...
Case | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise capture | Enterprise platform
Product | Radiology imaging | Breast imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Ophthalmology imaging
Huge NHS cloud deals mean tough questions: here’s what imaging tech suppliers must prove
A major shift for diagnostic imaging into the public cloud has begun in the NHS. But how can imaging networks and healthcare providers ensure suppliers are able to deliver on such important, large, an...
Industry reflections | Sectra One Cloud
Eyes on the future: revolutionizing ophthalmology imaging at Rivierenland Hospital
The treatment of eye diseases depends heavily on medical imaging, and there are many opportunities for ophthalmology to innovate in this area. Rivierenland Hospital in Tiel is a great example of such...
Case | Ophthalmology imaging | Enterprise imaging
OARM 2024
Join Sectra at OARM 2024! Book a meeting with our industry experts to discover how Sectra’s award-winning Radiology PACS & complete enterprise imaging offering can take your imaging to the n...
Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
ECR 2025
Join us at ECR 2025, where we will demonstrate our complete enterprise imaging offering, with Sectra VNA and our Best in KLAS PACS for radiology, pathology, cardiology, and ophthalmology at its core....
Event | Radiology imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Medical education | Ophthalmology imaging | Orthopaedics | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
SIIM 2025
We welcome you to join Sectra at SIIM 2025 annual meeting, where we will showcase our complete enterprise imaging offering with Sectra VNA and our award-winning  Best-in-KLAS Sectra PACS  for radi...
Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise platform | Ophthalmology imaging | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
Institutions connected to Sectra IEP in the UK
Today, over 500 institutions are connected to Sectra’s Image Exchange Portal in the UK. The following is the full list of Sectra IEP customers.
Case | Share and collaborate
How well does Sectra PACS play with other vendors' products?
When X-Ray Associates of New Mexico went live with a new RIS in mid-April, Vice President and COO Sagit Frasier was anxious, but optimistic. The moment had been years in the making. The practice’s o...
Case | Radiology imaging
New technology improves anatomy training at Linköping University
Linköping University has ordered the Sectra Table and will be first in the world to apply this innovation in medical education. All seven under-graduate programs at Linköping Faculty of Health Scien...
Case | Medical education
Key considerations when choosing a breast imaging PACS supplier
“Change is good, but be prepared,” says Dr. Stamatia Destounis at Elizabeth Wende Breast Care in Rochester, New York. She bases this piece of advice on the knowledge she gained when the clinic mad...
Articles | Breast imaging
Breaking the trend of increased radiation exposure to patients through dose monitoring
This white paper raises the issue of the increase in  patient exposure to radiation doses in diagnostic medical imaging over the last three decades. The aim is to inform about the problem and highlig...
White papers | Radiology imaging
Comprehensive breast imaging at University Hospitals
University Hospitals (UH), in Northeast Ohio, serves the needs of patients through an integrated network of 18 hospitals, 15 counties, and more than 40 outpatient locations. UH is using Sectra’s Bre...
Case | Breast imaging
Eye on Canada: 3 views on PACS priorities
With PACS as with any healthcare-specific technology, some universal expectations are common to all end-users and their IT support teams. Yet there are also as many unique sets of preferences as there...
Case | Radiology imaging
Sectra PACS image-enables EMR at Hospital de Cascais
This is a tale of making care better. Better for patients, better for the caregivers providing it, and better for a healthcare system morphing and migrating to thrive as a high-performing public-priva...
Case | Radiology imaging | Enterprise platform
Patients gaining unprecedented access to x-rays, ultrasound and other imaging
A network that connects every NHS acute hospital in England is giving thousands of patients unprecedented and easy online access to everything from their x-rays through to ultrasound, CT and MRI scans...
Case | Share and collaborate
Enterprise Image Management: Et skridt mod en mere effektiv sundhedssektor – med patienten i centrum
I dag består den typiske sundhedsorganisation af mere eller mindre isolerede kliniske datasiloer, der løseligt bliver holdt sammen af et journalsystem. I de senere år er der dog blevet stillet spø...
Page | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
Sectra VNA: Eines für alles
Seit 2002 speichert und archiviert die Radiologie am Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus in Stuttgart ihre Bilder digital. 2018 machten herstellerbedingte Umstände den Austausch des PACS-Systems notwendig. Für...
Page | Radiology imaging | Digital pathology
New cardiac cath lab embraces enterprise imaging
When the cardiac and neurovascular catheterization lab at Riverside University Health System Medical Center (RUHS-MC) treated its first patient last February, the opening represented many things to ma...
Case | Cardiology imaging | Enterprise imaging
Kundenbericht: Daten ohne Warten – Patientenportal
Komfortable Datenübermittlung statt Warten auf altmodische Ausdrucke aus Papier: Das ist der Grundgedanke hinter dem neuen Sectra-Patientenportal, das in immer mehr Kliniken und Praxen zum Einsatz ko...
The story of mammography screening in Sweden, and how the latest research shows it has halved breast cancer death in women
Dr. László Tabár, by training a radiologist and oncologist from Falun, Sweden, is known worldwide as the “father” of mammography screening. He is certainly one of the key people behind the curr...
Articles | Breast imaging
Nightingale’s diagnostic imaging: How tech and new workflow was delivered in just three days
Technology for diagnostic imaging typically takes months to deploy into a hospital. As part of a mammoth technology response from Barts Health NHS Trust to make NHS Nightingale Hospital London work, t...
Case | Radiology imaging
One for all — native support for automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) in Sectra’s expanded breast imaging PACS
DIE RADIOLOGIE München is one of the largest breast diagnostics centers in the Munich area and one of few locations in Germany offering automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) examinations. The ABUS scann...
Case | Breast imaging
Webinar: Sectra and Greater Manchester — Kick-starting one of the largest diagnostic imaging initiatives in the NHS
In October 2020, Sectra and Greater Manchester announced signing a contract for one of the largest diagnostic imaging initiatives in Europe. Eight NHS trusts across Greater Manchester are taking an im...
Webinars | Radiology imaging
Auf dem Marktplatz der Möglichkeiten
Obwohl KI im Gesundheitswesen seit Jahren an Bedeutung gewinnt und bereits eine Reihe KI-gestützter Applikationen den Weg in die klinische Praxis gefunden hat, gleicht die Distribution medizintechnis...
Page | AI in medical imaging
Scans in vans, 5G, AI, COVID… are we set for a quantum leap in taking diagnostics to patients?
Technological advances, the need to level-up access to services, and a new willingness to do things out of hospital might now see the NHS rapidly and permanently un-constrain the geography of its diag...
Page | AI in medical imaging | Radiology imaging
Introduction of clinical imaging and interactive anatomy learning — both on campus and from home
Umeå University is one of the largest teaching universities in Sweden with over 34,000 students, 3,400 of whom belong to the Faculty of Medicine. Back in 2015, the heads of the medical program wanted...
Case | Medical education
Strukturerad rapportering i praktiken – ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Sectra och Regionala cancercentrum i samverkan (RCC)
Sectra har under 2020 drivit ett samarbete med RCC Väst, med syfte att effektivisera datainsamling till IPÖ (individuell patientöversikt) och nationella kvalitetsregister. Som pilotprojekt valdes M...
Page | Radiology imaging
UK-wide medical imaging sharing system expands beyond hospitals to 500 institutions
The UK’s globally unique deployment of a medical imaging sharing system called the Sectra Image Exchange Portal has expanded to a record reach, easing the flow of important patient information beyon...
Case | Share and collaborate
Product | Ophthalmology imaging | Enterprise imaging
Informationsdriven vård – Region Halland och Region Västernorrland visar vägen för värdeskapande datauppföljning inom bilddiagnostiken
Vad lägger en bilddiagnostisk avdelning sin tid på? När arbetar personalstyrkan som intensivast och vad är det som just då driver på arbetsbelastningen? För att verkligen komma till insikt –...
Page | Radiology imaging
Webinar: Guelph General Hospital's journey to true SaaS enterprise imaging
What are the key learnings healthcare providers need to consider when shifting their enterprise medical imaging platform from an on-premise solution to a cloud-based SaaS model? In this webinar, co-d...
Webinars | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform | Radiology imaging
Podcast: Greater Manchester's path to AI in chest x-ray imaging
Considering adopting and deploying AI applications within your healthcare organization? In this episode of Let’s Talk Enterprise Imaging, Dr. Rhidian Bramley, consultant radiologist at The Christie...
Podcast | Enterprise imaging | Digital pathology | Radiology imaging
500 patient images per second shared through national portal as NHS tackles backlogs
A national image sharing platform, used by NHS organisations, patients and others to securely access diagnostic scans and tests, has seen record usage across the country.
Page | Share and collaborate | Enterprise imaging | Enterprise platform
How can NHS diagnostic imaging adopt AI more quickly?
More patients than ever are waiting for diagnostic imaging, meaning AI is urgently needed. Dr Rhidian Bramley, consultant radiologist at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, and diagnostics, digital &am...
Case | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging
DMEA 2025
Vom 08. bis 10. April 2025 lädt die Messe Berlin zur DMEA 2025 in die Berliner Messehallen ein. Die DMEA ist mit über 800 Ausstellern und 18.600 Besuchern Europas führendes Event für digital Healt...
Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise capture | Enterprise platform | Ophthalmology imaging | Orthopaedics | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate
Product | Orthopaedics