Enterprise Imaging

Skåne University Hospital, Lund

Vessel analysis increases precision in stenosis grading with maintained workflow efficiency

By implementing Sectra Vessel Analysis to support the treatment of stroke patients, radiologists at Skåne University Hospital in Lund, Sweden, provide clinicians with an exact grade of stenosis for every single patient. While precision has increased dramatically, review times have not, testifies Johan Wassélius, Associate Professor at the Department of Neuroradiology in Lund.

Now we can provide an exact grade of stenosis in a matter of 30-60 seconds.

Johan Wassélius, Associate Professor at the Department of Neuroradiology at Skåne University Hospital in Lund

An ultrasound and an angiography are performed on all stroke and TIA patients in Lund. The purpose is to evaluate the grade of stenosis in the carotid arteries to support the decision on whether carotid surgery should be considered. Previously, this was quite a challenging task from both a time and precision perspective. Most radiologists did not perform any measurement, or alternatively gave an indication such as light, medium or severe.

“Now we can provide an exact grade of stenosis in a matter of 30-60 seconds,” explains Johan Wassélius.

The Vessel Analysis Application is an integrated part of Sectra PACS, enabling radiologists to use the tool from any Sectra PACS workstation in the hospital. Wassélius believes this, together with the simplicity of the tool, is key to the broad usage.

“Sectra Vessel Analysis is fast, simple and stable. All neuroradiologists use the tool on a daily basis, and about half of the regular radiologists use it when on nighthawk, for example,” says Wassélius.

About Region Skåne

Region Skåne, with its ten hospitals including Skåne University Hospital, conducts more than 900,000 radiology examinations annually.

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