One of the world’s largest universities chooses Sectra Education Portal for remote and interactive medical education
Linköping, Sweden – October 22, 2020 – The Mexican university UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) will provide medical education using the international medical imaging IT and cybersecurity company Sectra’s (STO: SECT B) cloud-based teaching platform. The online platform enables interactive medical teaching with real-life clinical cases and can be accessed by thousands of students and teachers from any location.
“We were looking for a solution that could facilitate interactive learning among our students. Now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to also be able to teach remotely and for students to benefit from online learning,” says Dr. Germán Fajardo Dolci, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at UNAM and President of ALAFEM/UDUAL (Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Facultades y Escuelas de Medicina/Unión de Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe).
UNAM is top-rated in the QS World University Rankings in Latin America and is among the 30 largest universities in the world with approximately 360,000 students of whom 13,000 are medical students. It also leads the largest research center in Latin America and runs medical practices in over 60 hospitals around Mexico. In the first phase of this project, Sectra’s solution will be used for about 3,000 students and will eventually be used across various departments to support learning at all stages throughout their medical education.
The teaching platform, Sectra Education Portal, is a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service solution that educational institutions can use to prepare lectures based on their own cases or use already quality assured clinical cases from the Sectra library. It also enables remote teaching and learning as preparations and lessons can be carried out online by the teachers, and students can study cases on their own computers, tablets or smartphones. In connection with classes and studying at the campus, teachers and students at UNAM will also be able to use large, immersive and interactive touch screens, Sectra Boards and Sectra Tables.
“Our students will now have the opportunity to interact with real-life clinical data already during their education, which is a powerful way of learning and preparing for medical practice. With Sectra’s solution, we will also be able to connect our own faculties, campuses, teachers and students in an efficient way, while at the same time become part of a worldwide network sharing cases with each other. We are very proud to provide this state-of-the-art technology to our students,” says Dr. Fajardo.
“We are very excited and honored to work together with UNAM to help thousands of students increase their clinical understanding. We see a very strong interest among leading educational institutions to give students hands-on experience of clinical imaging throughout their education as a complement to traditional teaching tools, and we can see that their students really appreciate it,” says Johan Carlegrim, General Manager for Sectra Medical Education.
The solution was sold by Sectra’s distribution partner in Mexico, TAQ Sistemas Médicos.
More information about Sectra Education Portal:
About Sectra
Sectra assists hospitals throughout the world to enhance the efficiency of care, universities and institutions to boost medical education and authorities and defense forces in Europe to protect society’s most sensitive information. Thereby, Sectra contributes to a healthier and safer society. The company was founded in 1978, has its head office in Linköping, Sweden, with direct sales in 19 countries, and operates through partners worldwide. Sales in the 2019/2020 fiscal year totaled SEK 1,661 million. The Sectra share is quoted on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. For more information, visit