Cardiology imaging

Consolidate cardiology to enhance efficiency and collaboration

A consolidated enterprise imaging approach in cardiology streamlines workflows, enhances reading efficiency, and empowers informed care decisions by centralizing patient data. This approach not only reduces IT costs and complexity but also provides a holistic view of the patient. With seamless access to information across specialties, care teams can collaborate more effectively, driving better clinical outcomes. Welcome to Sectra’s Cardiology imaging solution.

Selection of common use cases
Selection of common use cases

Reduce the need to move between solutions

Easily add cardiovascular examinations to your existing radiology PACS and get more out of it. When you use the same diagnostic viewing workstation and archive for radiology and cardiology exams, you reduce the need to move between different solutions—improving your efficiency and collaboration.

Cut costs and eliminate silos

Consolidate all your different applications and solutions to a single platform. When you have fewer parallel applications and solutions, you save money and cut down on IT administration. And if you put all your data in a single archive—instead of in scattered silos—you enable access to all procedures from anywhere. 

Single point of access for better efficiency and outcomes

Get a better understanding of your patient by having access to prior examinations and other procedures. You don’t just get access to the patient history—you can instantly open and explore prior examinations without having to switch to another IT application. This single point of access to the complete patient record helps you improve both operational efficiency and clinical outcomes. 

Easy access to the applications you need

Have best-of-breed quantification tools at your desk—all accessible from a single platform. Changing applications is easy, with the required tools no more than a fast, efficient, and intuitive click away.

No more CDs and USB drives

Sharing or collaborating with others around patients’ cardiology images—within your enterprise or even with other institutions—doesn’t have to be time-consuming and costly. With an efficient and secure solution for image exchange, you remove the need for bulky, slow, and expensive alternatives, such as CDs and USB drives. You get quick access to specialists for efficient external readings and second opinions, which can shorten waiting times for patients. Plus, you minimize the risk of security breaches and patient integrity violations. 

More efficient MDT meetings

Cardiology plays a key role in multidisciplinary team meetings where medical staff from different specialties meet to discuss complex cases pre and post treatment. With instant access to cardiovascular images, side by side with radiology or other images, you can have more efficient discussions, and are better able to give detailed descriptions of findings. All images are also easily available if unplanned cases are added to the discussion during the actual meeting. 

  • Echocardiography
  • Cardiac catheterization
  • Cardiac nuclear medicine
  • Cardiac MR
  • Cardiac CT
  • ECG management

The clinical application support is, however, continuously growing. 

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Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud
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Event | Enterprise imaging | AI in medical imaging | Breast imaging | Cardiology imaging | Digital pathology | Enterprise capture | Enterprise platform | Ophthalmology imaging | Orthopaedics | Radiology imaging | Sectra One Cloud | Share and collaborate