Male radiologist using the Sectra Vessel Analysis application in Sectra PACS


What impacts radiology productivity the most?

Given radiology’s central role in the patient pathway, reading efficiency and the ability to communicate actionable reports are key for patient outcomes—especially in cancer care. By saving valuable time, radiologists can perform more efficient diagnostics. And, with greater efficiency comes greater accuracy. But what aspects have the highest impact on future radiology productivity?

We asked some 400 radiologists

In a live poll conducted on Sectra’s website during October–November 2018, a total of 437 radiologists shared their views on which aspect is most important to their reading and reporting productivity, especially when reading cancer cases. The results, displayed below, showed that ‘an intuitive PACS user interface’ was rated as having the highest impact on radiology productivity:

What impacts radiology productivity the most?

A comment from Sectra’s Product Management

Fredrik Häll, VP Product Management at Sectra, comments on the result:

“Despite quite an even distribution between the different aspects, we still see a clear ‘winner’ in the poll: an intuitive PACS user interface. An intuitive and user-friendly product obviously saves time through ease of use, less mouse-mileage and fewer clicks. In our opinion, an efficient UI allows content to speak for itself, and helps make important workflow indicators easier to spot and act upon. This is the case with the new and improved UI of our diagnostic workstation—introduced in 2018 and developed in close dialogue with our users. Leveraging our 25 years’ experience of working with user interaction, we’re developing products with users, for users. The changes we’ve made in our products—both recently and historically—have come with positive effects on the user experience and on better supporting users in efficiently performing their daily tasks.”

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